Wednesday, May 9, 2018

English Term 1-10 EV

Last term in 10EV we were talking about the the absolutely true diary of a part time Indian. In that book we were reading about this native american who was at a school that wasn't getting him a good education and Junior (the Native American) was told by a teacher that he though a book at, to go to a new school. This new school was called Reardan and that school was run by the white people, In the book white people don't like Indians and vise versa. Junior wants to play basketball but he had to try out but he was going up against the best of the best, but he does his best and puts up a couple threes and makes it into the team as the secret weapon. But he has to go up against his ex best friend, They played two games and lost the first one but won the second. After that they became friends again.

Here are some examples:

  1. Below, I want you to make a bullet point list of the main things you remember from the novel so far;

  • Arnold moved
  • Before he moved he made up with his teacher for what he did to Mr P
  • He made friends and Rearden
  • He got into the seniors Basketball team

Junior biggest challenge to me was when he left his old school and had to tell Rowdy. This was the biggest challenge to me because Junior had to leave his best friend, this ended up in Junior getting punched in the face. He overcame it by meeting up with him after their big basketball. He was able to go to a new school and get to know everybody, that was how he made himself a better person. He was able to make a difference to the people around him by getting in the school that would get him a better education and that’s what everybody around him wanted.

We were also learning about child labour last term. We started to watch a film called girl rising, and in this film they were talking about child labour in India and other countries like Syria, Iran. they mostly talk about is child labour as their parents sold them to make more money for the family so they could eat and live while they daughter or son was sent off to work. they would normally work for 12 hours a day till they're in their teen years. if they are a boy then they will stay in the mines till they are able to retire. but this movie was about girls that are sold young and they will work and a rich mans/women's house that will make then do all of their work for them.

Druing term 1 Miss Evans go us to do a big question at the start of every lesson. The big question could consist of a 100 word Challenge or what we did on the weekend. and at the end of the lesson we had to do a success ticket and that was what we achieved though out the lesson.

Things that I enjoyed in term 1 was English. I like English because we were quite chilled out but we also go lot's pf work done. I liked the start of mechanical engineering because we got to use a wielder and make a name plate.