Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Who am I

Who am I


  1. Who Am I?

    Dear Jayden, awesome who am I?! The ink effect is very cool and I thought it showed lots of colour and light, making it easy to see. Interesting you want to be a pilot, I never knew that was a goal you had, good luck becoming a pilot, yes by the way, you would probably need to learn about math to complete your that life long passion, in my head I would think you would mainly have to learn about x and y radius and about altitude maybe, but that’s just my opinion. I love math but I probably wouldn’t be the one to go to, I’m not always %100 correct if you know what I mean, I would go and work with a teacher instead but it’s up to you. Good luck becoming a famous rugby player too, just don’t hurt yourself too much (by the way I’m kidding, I have no idea how to play rugby, however I play soccer and I’m a decent player along with my supportive team).

    Good job at making the slideshow, I just was wondering though, how many slides does it have? If you’re going to go hunting have some mercy and take them out of their misery, if the bullet doesn’t kill them (just kidding it’s up to you, I don’t go hunting, so yeah, don’t ask me any questions about hunting at school). Do you have a special type of gun you use, like a shotgun or a rifle or even a spud gun, what type, and if you’re that smart, what type of ammunition do you use? Do you have a specific place you hunt, and what type of creatures do you attack, fish, birds, deer, what? What do you do with the creatures after, have dinner from them, or leave them to disappear, and possibly reincarnate?

    There were I few things that I would like to say that could be changed by the power of you. Number one was the music, it was awesome, however you did not say who the song was by in your slideshow, that could be changed. Number two is that the pronunciation for some words was incorrect, now, because I’m picky, I’m going to list you a list of what’s wrong and a list of the correct way to say it. The left side is incorrect and the right side is correct, enjoy!
    Incorrect Correct
    Spear Spare
    Ful fill Fulfill
    Obsiecals Obstacles
    Esiar Easier
    Notced Noticed
    Board Bored
    Manily Manly (honestly not sure about this one)
    Seed Seat (I’m guessing you were trying to say)
    Form From
    Mabey Maybe
    I’m am I’m/ I am
    Would do Would or do or would/do
    Whatching Watching

    Spelling is very important to learn for anything because if you want to become a pilot or pro rugby player you might need to do a essay, which is best if you get all the spelling correct.
    By Aedan Gunn 2017

  2. you have some very interesting hobbies,and you play some awesome sports and your slide was very creative
